MUMUS is the student society that represents the 2000 Medicine students enrolled at Monash Clayton (undergraduate) and Monash Gippsland ​(graduate). You’re automatically a member just by being a Monash Medical Student..

Throughout your degree, MUMUS is your voice to the med faculty and to Australian Medical Students Association (AMSA) as well as your source of ​social events, academic support and wellbeing endeavours.

Throughout the year MUMUS hosts a huge range of social events including an exciting O-Week, our much-anticipated MedBall, MedCamp, sports ​days and community events. We also provide a wide range of academic supports – from revision lectures, to study groups, to career nights – as well as ​having an amazing Community & Wellbeing team who host events that help you deal with stress and perfect the art of the med-life balance.

As a Monash medical student you’re lucky enough to also have 3 other great student groups as well as MUMUS:

  • WILDFIRE, our Rural Health club

  • Ignite, our Global Health club

  • TeamMED, our international health initiative which provides opportunities to volunteer overseas

Purple Gradient Waves